
Ogham Stone

Believe it or not, but this hugely impressive ogham stone proved a little tricky to find at first, mainly because I had taken a wrong turn. Standing at 5.3 metres high the stone is believed to be the tallest ogham stone in Europe. It would certainly rank amongst one of the most beautiful. It stands like a modern piece of sculpture overlooking Kenmare Bay. I was surprised to see that the inscription was in such good condition, it is very legible and not what I had expected after reading different accounts.

According to Macallister R.A.S. The inscription reads: "MAQI-DECCEDDAS AVI TURANIAS" meaning "son of Deich descendant of Torainn" The monolith is thought to be a bronze age standing stone with the ogham added at a later date. Superb site and location.

Situated: Actually very easy. Head west on the R571 from Ardgroom. After 2.5 kilometres take a right turn, then right at the T-junction. Then left. Park at the Quay and walk straight towards the cottage in front of you. A track takes you up to the ogham stone. Donate 2 euro at the cottage.

Discovery Map 84: V 6564 5294. Last visit July 2011.

Longitude: 9° 56' 39" W

Latitude: 51° 42' 46" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

Looking east.

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